Controlling Ship Hull Fouling Helps Save Fuel

According to some industry estimates, hull and propeller performance degradation can cause fuel penalties in the range of 15 to 20 per cent, with a corresponding increase in GHG emissions. Diligent hull condition monitoring and maintenance can negate these penalties and represents an effective, low-cost energy saving measure available to ship owners for immediate implementation.

In responding to the market need to cut fuel costs, MACSEA is ramping up its Hull Medic hull condition monitoring service using its published methodology and automated, cloud-based data analytics process. The Hull Medic service allows ship operators to:

  • determine when the hull should be cleaned
  • quantify fuel savings from prudent hull condition maintenance
  • measure the long-term degradation in hull and propeller efficiency
  • determine if the hull coating is performing as advertised

By automating the ship performance analytics, Hull Medic services are being offered at what may be a new low industry price point for as low as $495 per month per ship for ten ships or more. Click here to download the latest Hull Medic service offer.


While there is some international standards development activity underway for hull and propeller performance analysis, of which we are actively involved, MACSEA is one of the few companies that has actually published its methodology, making our processes fully transparent (Click here to download the publication).

By driving the cost of hull condition monitoring down to the point where most ship owners can afford it, owners can save money through optimal hull condition-based maintenance and can help improve the environment by reducing GHG emissions. Additional benefits include measuring efficiency gains from other related energy conservation measures, such as alternate propeller designs and hull coating choices.


Posted in: Hull Medic ™, Hull Paint Performance on June 6th by macsea

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