DEXTER Now Supports Open System Architecture via OPC

MACSEA has significantly improved its DEXTER system’s integration options using an Open System Architecture approach. MACSEA’s latest I/O interface uses OLE for Process Control (OPC) and .NET to provide a robust and easy to deploy interface into any machinery control system that supports OPC. This allows DEXTER to read and write data to these systems using industry standard OPC technology.

MACSEA’s latest OPC I/O drivers are compatible with several major automation providers, including WonderwareTM, CimplicityTM, and many more. The OPC interfaces are easy to configure, reliable, and expandable. Using this interface, the DEXTER Machinery Health Monitoring software is now compatible with a large population of shipboard and factory automation systems, allowing intelligent agent-based diagnostics and prognostics to be added quickly and efficiently.

Although DEXTER can be interfaced with virtually any automation system, the integration of this latest OPC-based driver has proven to be one of our most effective platforms. With so many automation system providers now supporting OPC, MACSEA has made it even easier for customers to take advantage of the cost-effective diagnostics and prognostics that the DEXTER system provides.

Posted in: DEXTER ™ on February 15th by macsea

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